Selasa, 29 Oktober 2013
Translate Kode Etika Profesi Akuntansi Hal 75-77
Audit klien yang tidak entitas kepentingan
290,171 perusahaan dapat menyediakan layanan
yang berkaitan dengan penyusunan akuntansi
catatan dan laporan keuangan kepada klien
audit yang tidak publik
bunga entitas di mana layanan bersifat rutin
atau mekanis, sehingga
Selama setiap ancaman diri ulasan yang dibuat
berkurang ke tingkat yang dapat diterima.
Contoh layanan tersebut meliputi:
layanan penggajian berbasis client-berasal data;
Recording yang klien telah ditentukan atau
menyetujui klasifikasi account yang sesuai;
Posting transaksi
dikodekan oleh klien ke buku besar;
Posting entri
klien menyetujui neraca saldo, dan
laporan keuangan berdasarkan informasi dalam neraca saldo.
Dalam semua kasus, signifikansi setiap ancaman
yang dibuat harus dievaluasi dan
pengamanan diterapkan bila diperlukan untuk
menghilangkan ancaman tersebut atau menguranginya ke
tingkat yang dapat diterima. Contoh pengamanan
tersebut meliputi:
Mengatur untuk
layanan tersebut yang akan dilakukan oleh seorang individu yang
bukan anggota tim audit; atau
Jika layanan
tersebut dilakukan oleh anggota tim audit, menggunakan
pasangan atau anggota staf senior dengan
keahlian yang tepat yang
bukan anggota tim audit untuk meninjau
pekerjaan yang dilakukan.
Audit klien yang merupakan entitas kepentingan
290,172 Kecuali dalam situasi darurat,
perusahaan tidak akan memberikan kepada klien audit
yang merupakan entitas akuntansi kepentingan
umum dan jasa pembukuan,
termasuk layanan penggajian, atau menyiapkan
laporan keuangan yang perusahaan
akan menyatakan pendapat atau informasi
keuangan yang merupakan dasar dari
laporan keuangan.
290,173 Meskipun ayat 290,172, perusahaan
dapat memberikan akuntansi dan pembukuan
jasa, termasuk jasa penggajian dan penyusunan
laporan keuangan
atau informasi keuangan lainnya, yang bersifat
rutin atau mekanis untuk divisi atau
entitas terkait klien audit yang merupakan
entitas kepentingan umum jika personil
menyediakan layanan yang bukan anggota tim
audit dan:
(A) divisi atau badan terkait yang layanan ini
kolektif tidak material terhadap laporan
keuangan yang perusahaan
akan mengungkapkan pendapat, atau
(B) jasa berhubungan dengan hal-hal yang
secara kolektif material terhadap
laporan keuangan divisi atau badan terkait.
Situasi Darurat
290,174 Akuntansi dan pembukuan jasa, yang
lain tidak akan
diizinkan dalam bagian ini, dapat diberikan
kepada klien audit dalam darurat
atau situasi yang tidak biasa lainnya, bila
tidak praktis untuk klien audit untuk
membuat pengaturan lainnya. Ini mungkin
terjadi ketika (a) hanya perusahaan memiliki
sumber daya dan pengetahuan yang diperlukan
dari sistem klien dan
prosedur untuk membantu klien dalam penyusunan
tepat waktu akuntansi
catatan dan laporan keuangan, dan (b)
pembatasan pada kemampuan perusahaan untuk
menyediakan jasa akan mengakibatkan kesulitan
yang signifikan untuk klien (untuk
Misalnya, seperti yang mungkin timbul dari
kegagalan untuk memenuhi pelaporan peraturan
persyaratan). Dalam situasi tersebut, kondisi
berikut harus dipenuhi:
(A) Mereka yang menyediakan layanan bukan
anggota tim audit;
(B) Pelayanan yang disediakan hanya untuk
waktu singkat dan tidak
diharapkan terjadi, dan
(C) Situasi ini didiskusikan dengan pihak yang
bertanggung jawab atas tata kelola.
Jasa Penilaian
Ketentuan Umum
290,175 penilaian A terdiri dari pembuatan
asumsi yang berkaitan dengan masa depan
perkembangan, penerapan metodologi dan teknik
yang tepat,
dan kombinasi keduanya untuk menghitung nilai
tertentu, atau rentang nilai,
untuk aset, kewajiban atau untuk bisnis secara
290,176 jasa penilaian Performing bagi klien
audit dapat menciptakan ancaman diri review-.
Keberadaan dan pentingnya ancaman akan
tergantung pada faktor-faktor seperti:
Apakah valuasi
akan memiliki dampak material terhadap keuangan
keterlibatan klien dalam menentukan dan menyetujui
metodologi penilaian dan hal-hal lain yang
signifikan penghakiman.
metodologi mapan dan profesional
Untuk valuasi
melibatkan standar atau didirikan metodologi, yang
tingkat subjektivitas yang melekat dalam item.
keandalan dan
tingkat data yang mendasarinya.
ketergantungan pada peristiwa masa depan yang sifatnya yang bisa
menciptakan volatilitas yang signifikan
melekat dalam jumlah yang terlibat.
Luas dan
kejelasan pengungkapan dalam laporan keuangan.
Signifikansi setiap ancaman yang dibuat harus
dievaluasi dan perlindungan
diterapkan bila diperlukan untuk menghilangkan
ancaman tersebut atau menguranginya ke diterima
tingkat. Contoh pengamanan tersebut meliputi:
Memiliki seorang
profesional yang tidak terlibat dalam memberikan
valuasi layanan review audit atau penilaian
pekerjaan yang dilakukan; atau
pengaturan sehingga personil yang menyediakan layanan tersebut dilakukan
tidak berpartisipasi dalam perikatan audit.
290,177 valuasi tertentu tidak melibatkan
tingkat signifikan subjektivitas. Ini
kemungkinan kasus di mana asumsi yang
mendasarinya baik ditetapkan oleh
hukum atau peraturan, atau diterima secara
luas dan ketika teknik dan
metodologi yang digunakan didasarkan pada
standar yang berlaku umum atau
ditentukan oleh hukum atau peraturan. Dalam
keadaan seperti itu, hasil
penilaian yang dilakukan oleh dua pihak atau
lebih tidak mungkin secara material
290,178 Jika suatu perusahaan diminta untuk
melakukan penilaian untuk membantu seorang klien audit dengan nya
kewajiban pelaporan pajak atau untuk tujuan
perencanaan pajak, dan hasil
penilaian tidak akan memiliki efek langsung
terhadap laporan keuangan,
ketentuan yang tercantum dalam ayat 290,191
Audit klien yang tidak entitas kepentingan
290,179 Dalam kasus klien audit yang bukan
merupakan entitas kepentingan umum, jika
Layanan valuasi memiliki efek material
terhadap laporan keuangan yang
perusahaan akan mengungkapkan pendapat dan
penilaian melibatkan signifikan
tingkat subjektivitas, tidak ada perlindungan
dapat mengurangi diri review-ancaman terhadap
tingkat yang dapat diterima. Dengan demikian
perusahaan tidak akan memberikan penilaian seperti
pelayanan kepada klien audit.
Audit klien yang merupakan entitas kepentingan
290,180 Sebuah perusahaan tidak akan
menyediakan jasa penilaian kepada klien audit yang merupakan masyarakat
bunga entitas jika valuasi akan berdampak
material, secara terpisah atau
agregat, terhadap laporan keuangan yang
perusahaan akan mengungkapkan
Jasa Perpajakan
290,181 jasa Perpajakan terdiri dari berbagai
layanan, termasuk:
pengembalian pajak;
perhitungan Pajak
untuk tujuan menyiapkan catatan akuntansi;
Pajak perencanaan
dan jasa penasehat pajak lainnya, dan
Bantuan dalam penyelesaian sengketa pajak.
Sementara pelayanan perpajakan yang diberikan
oleh perusahaan kepada klien audit dibahas
secara terpisah di bawah masing-masing judul
yang luas, dalam prakteknya, kegiatan ini
sering saling terkait.
290,182 layanan pajak tertentu Performing
menciptakan diri-review dan ancaman advokasi. Itu
keberadaan dan signifikansi setiap ancaman
akan tergantung pada faktor-faktor seperti:
Sistem dimana
otoritas pajak menilai dan mengelola pajak
dalam pertanyaan dan peran perusahaan dalam
proses tersebut;
rezim pajak yang relevan dan tingkat
penghakiman diperlukan dalam menerapkannya;
tertentu pertunangan, dan
Tingkat keahlian
pajak karyawan klien.
Kamis, 13 Juni 2013
Love Comes from A Friendship
had never felt a first love even when I was studying at the University. I do
not know why it happened, maybe because I had too much to learn when in Senior
in High School so I'd never find a love that truly memorable. When the initial
study at the university, the love did not come because I was busy with a
variety of activities on campus and was eager to pursue high score at the
class. I was also not interested in girls around me or had a curiosity to know
a woman.
the beginning of university entrance, there was actually a girl who looked to
have interest in me. She started to give a short message essentially that
wanted to know me more. He continued to greet me through the short message.
Oddly, she did not mention her real name and only mentions Initials. I was used
to respond to a text message without knowing the identity of the person
sending. Several times I talked to her about a few things through the short
message. However, I had a sense of boredom with the situation and was eager to
find out her real name.
do not like the little people who continue to conceal the identity and so
curious to know. One time, I got to know her because I called her by phone. I
was not far from her, and she realized that I was on the phone. She was very
shy and did not want to say hello again to me via text message on mobile phone.
that happening, I no longer found things related to love and I did not have
interest about love. My friends say that I had changed and got to know a woman.
They even made a fun of me by saying that I did not have the ability to pick up
a woman. But, I did not care about anything they say. For me, a love comes in a
beautiful way and should not be imposed.
time, I found the first love and a true love of my life. The woman who became
my first love was my a classmate but we had not known each other very well. When
in the class, we only just greeted each other and did not have any interest.
Though we were in a class almost every day and engaged in the same lesson.
There was a story that is so unique and our friends did not believe when we
were in love because we had been in the same class within 2 years.
love was present when we are sitting close together in a place and there was
one of our friends started teasing each other as if we liked. At first, we felt
ashamed because it continued teasing. However, from that teasing, I kept
getting a sense of confusion. I kept thinking about her every day even in every
single time in my life.
I began to know her through a text message that I sent. When the first short
message sent, I got a response and I kept talking to her through a text message
on mobile phone. I found hard to sleep and kept thinking about her. Finally, I
decided to express love to her, and she received with a very happy feeling. Up
to now, I became her life companion and want to continue to be close until
death separates us.
you're an angel in the
world to me...
you were always there
beside me
when I'm sad or happy...
thank you mom...
I can not live without
will not feel the
beauty of the world
and can not feel the
pleasure of the grace of God
thanks mom..
Thank you very much...
for love, affection and
all that you gave her
I promise not to
and will always
make you proud . . .
love you mom, love you
verry much..
I know it is highly
unlikely among us to be together but I’m always trying to prove to the whole
world that our love will come true in a marriage. Day after day we passed up
years have changed that dream is getting closer in sight, so beautiful this
morning filled with fresh air I remember you sitting there much, I never
imagined that one day we would split up, really I do not want it happened
between us. as usual my world has changed, so for me night and day during the
night for me so I have sacrificed all the time just to equalize the difference
between us.
For some reason lately
you very changeable, you are no longer the person I knew. You have treated me
rudely for no apparent reason. You accused me of doing things I’d never get me
some real. but I always hold out how I maintain this relationship over the
duration. until finally you go you leave me for no reason. what is my fault?
why are you doing this to me? i love you so much until I gave up everything for
you. I never thought how much suffering that you have given me.
I’m looking for, I
telephone all the numbers that have been used, but you can not relieve all the
tears, until finally I had cut my hand, for me to die is The best. my option is
no longer able to live with all the pain that you have given me.
How many tears do you
want? What a lot of the time you need to hurt me? I will give to you happiness
in your life is more important than me, if you honestly if you possessed the other
women I could receive. I sincerely you with the others, but why lie? You still
remember the words you always say to me “I need you” “I want you” is you want
me? You just want me dead. If the death of made you happy I am ready to
sacrifice myself for you ..
Today has turned my
hand wound also has begun to improve, I welcome the sun with a cry, I want to
forget you but I can not. Why all the promises, love, you think of the game?
Question that never goes out of my mind. You can hurt people who love you sincerely.
Are you born to hurt me? If these walls could answer all these questions maybe
I can rest, but there is no one who can answer it. That only you know the
answer yourself, not me, or anyone else.
You know I love you,
but love you for killing me. You just want my tears. Thank you for your
injuries and pain you gave to me, you can go away from my life if it can make
you happy. You can delete all the memories of us, but I’ll never do it the
scars on my hands to death will not be lost, this is a sign of affection and
sincere love for you.
Wherever you are right
now and being with whoever, I hope you can be happy with her.. in prayer I will
always be calling your name. I pleaded with God so that you do not feel pain
the way I feel right now.
and Neither did I. I
pray to be more resilient to live my life.
For all my friends
Never stay with someone
who doesn’t show you that you deserve the universe. Don’t do anyone any favours
when all they do is make you sacrifice yourself. You deserve more than you give
yourself credit for. Know that you should never settle for someone who can’t
prove their words for you. Most of all, love yourself, then everything well
will follow after…
Cerpen Karangan: Poetry
Sakura Biyori
just a girl who believe in the sacredness of words spoken by the one I admired
the most. The breeze of the wind spelled his name under my breath. And the
sakura tree sincerely blooming its flower to accompany me and my belief, the
sakura petals were dancing around me as the wind swirling created an elegant
movement to amaze the smell of the spring. Me, myself, and I kept on believing
the purity of this feeling would never change.
stepped my feet closer to the big sakura tree I used to be here in my lifetime.
There’s an empty wood bench fit for two persons in front of it, as if waiting
for me and him to sit on it again, together....
sighed while staring at the bench, putting on a grim melancholy look.
missed him no matter how often I think about him, no matter how often I go to
this place wishing for the urge of this heart struggling its pain and
loneliness to fade away as the shadow of his.
for the miracle to slowly approach me as the flashback of mine and his past
played on this sakura scene.
10 years old me crying under the sakura tree, holding on my dirty torn teddy
are those girls did it to your doll?”
saw a 13 years old skinny boy stood up in front of me staring at the girls
laughing in the playground not far from the tree.
did nothing but keep on dropping my tears while staring at him with a sad look.
turned up his face to look at me with the hazelnut eyes behind his glasses.
you defend yourself?”
shooked my head. He gave a smirk.
they or anyone dare to bother you, you have to be brave in the future. Look at
their face with such a courage and tell them to leave you alone.”
should I?”
stepped closer and reached my doll.
you sad to see your kuma-chan badly torn up like this?”
why, while you have mouth and voice to speak up, express your feeling! Let them
know what you feel and what you want.”
gave me a gentle smile I would never forget in my life. Since the time, I kept
on believing what he said, to be a good and brave girl.
was my senior, we went to the same school since elementary school until senior
high school. We often sit together on the bench in front of the sakura tree
after the schooltime to share our day story. We shared our day accompanied by
the fragrance of sakura petals blooming beautifully under the warm of the sun
light. Granted us comfort and happiness.
was awesome until the day I upgraded to the second year of senior high school,
and he graduated from senior high school.
made a promise to meet under the sakura tree.
sat on the bench, waiting for him. Then I saw the 18 years old boy walking
closer to me, wearing his glasses he hid a secret behind his gaze. There’s a
strange feeling I felt that day, yearning for the world to stop the time for
just a second, but it’s just nothing but a wishful thinking. I looked at him
and he stopped his step right 3 meters in front of me.
stood up, staring at him for a while then started the conversation, wishing the
strange feeling I felt was just an illusion.
was staring at me in silence, while I was staring at him with such a worried
gazed the sakura petals above us, watching as the pink flowers falling to the
raised his hand forward, his palm upside, let the sakura petals landed on it.
He grasped it, closed his eyes and made such a frown. It worried me so much....
did nothing but stay on my place.
you know what’s hard for me?”
opened his eyes and demanded a response. I shooked my head.
the place I loved, and buried all the memories inside it.”
kept on silence, waiting for him to make everything clearer.
I’m leaving Japan tonight.”
you go?”
try to keep looking at him through my blurry eyes, bothered by the tears I held
I’ll go on my study there.”
will you go back?”
faked a smile
stared his feet, he shooked his head, implicitely said that he won’t come back.
heart was trembling
your parents made you to do that?”
gave me a smirk, without looking at me. I suddenly felt that he was a stranger,
I couldn’t recognize his heart anymore.
clearly remember that you’re the one who told me to express my feeling when I
don’t like something and express it so others can understand what you feel and
what you want.”
stared me for a while, then he turned around and walked slowly.
stopped, and turned his face on me without really saw me.
when you’ve realized that you’re no longer a child, you have the things to be
hidden and not expressing what you really feel.”
be adult then!”
begged in tears.
smiled, his eyes softened
care, Natsu-chan...”
stepped forward, left me alone under this sakura tree witnessed by the silence
of the twilight breeze, blew the pink petals through my long black hair.
of flashback~
looked up at the sky, the orange twilight and the breeze still the same as 3
years ago. The fragrance of the blooms, the sound of the memories keep on
whispering its loneliness to me.
smiled and sighed, then I turned around and slowly leaving the tree behind....
there’s no eternity, then let me have this sakura tree to peek the memories
I’ve ever had.
people’s heart are change, then let me keep this belief by myself.
if he needs to be an adult to hide his true feeling and sadness, then let me
keep on being a child to honestly express my true feeling and wishing for the
sadness to leave me behind.
The Test of English as
a Foreign Language (TOEFL) is created and scored by Educational Testing Service
(ETS). Since 1964, ETS has designed three versions of the TOEFL:
1964: The Paper-Based
Test (PBT)
1998: The
Computer-Based Test (CBT)
2004: The Internet-Based
Test (iBT).
Although you take the
iBT on a computer, it is not the CBT, which is no longer offered anywhere in
the world. The PBT is offered in countries that do not offer the iBT, and it is
also offered two or three times a year in countries that also offer the iBT. In
contrast, there are about 40 test dates per year for the iBT, which occur one
time per weekend, usually on Friday or Saturday, but sometimes on Sunday.
PLEASE NOTE: because
the CBT has been discontinued, it is very important that you not read websites
or buy books that talk about the “CBT”. These sources have outdated information
that is now irrelevant to TOEFL study.
Each version of the
test has its own scoring scale.
PBT: 310-677
CBT: 0-300
iBT: 0-120
Because the PBT was the
only TOEFL from 1964 to 1998, many institutions still speak only in terms of
the PBT scoring system. And a significant number of institutions that did
update their information when the CBT came out failed to update it again when
the iBT was released. This means that you may still find institutions stating
that they need a score of “550” (PBT) or “213” (CBT). These scores are
equivalent to the iBT score of 79/80 which tends to be the minimum score for
most four year colleges and graduate programs. Since you will most likely be
taking an iBT, it is important for you to know the iBT score you’re trying to
achieve. Here is a link to a conversion table that will help you determine the
iBT equivalent when an institution only provides PBT or CBT requirements.
Third-party companies
administer the test, which means that if you have a problem with the test, you
will have to determine if you need to contact ETS or if you have to contact the
company that owns the testing center. It is usually best to begin with ETS and
they will direct you, if necessary, to the testing center. It is just good to
remember, though, that you might be dealing with two different companies for
this one test, and if that distinction is not clear, you may be confused about
who you are talking to and why.
Many students think
that the PBT is an easier test than the iBT for a few reasons:
1. It has a grammar
section, and some people think that grammar rules are easier to learn.
2. It does not have a
Speaking section.
3. You can see the
Listening questions while you are listening to the Lecture
4. There is only one
essay to write instead of two.
Strictly English cannot
stress enough that favoring the PBT over the iBT is a very bad way to begin
your preparation for studying in an English-speaking institution. The demands
of a university education will be far harder than even the iBT, so if you’re trying
to run from taking the iBT because it is too difficult, then you will most
likely find your university courses impossible. In addition, at the center of
university education—especially in MBA programs—is a strong focus on classroom
discussion and group classes that require a lot of talking. If you’re trying to
avoid the iBT because you cannot speak clearly, then this is a big indication
that you are not ready for graduate school. So instead of lowering your
expectations, raise them!
Sumber :
Kembang Melati dan Gold Butterfly
MELATI, a beautiful young princess, lived with her old nurse and many
serving-women in a palace on the bank of a great river.
Banjir, the monarch of the rains, lived in his rainbow-colored palace on the
other bank of the river. He could cause floods to appear at his will, and his
tears made brooks and rivers swell. From his windows he could see the little
princess weaving her bridal dress, and he could hear her singing a song for
luck. But the princess never looked toward his side of the river.
monarch of the rains kept gazing at her with great sad eyes. Because he was so
sad, he wept many tears, and the river swelled and the wind sighed softly
through the high trees around the palace. The princess heard the sighing of the
wind, and saw the river rising higher and higher. But she did not know that it
was her future husband who was weeping and calling to her.
many days the monarch of the rains yearned for the princess. Finally, to be
near her, he changed himself into a golden butterfly and flew back and forth
before her window until at last the princess saw him and opened the window so
that she could admire his dazzling wings.
Then the golden butterfly lighted on Kembang Melati’s little hand, kissed her
finger tips, and flew out of the window.
few days later the butterfly returned and perched on Kembang Melati’s right ear
and whispered to her, "Weave your bridal dress quickly, princess, for soon
your bridegroom will come."
princess heard only the word "bridegroom." She asked, 'Where is my
bridegroom?" The butterfly did not answer her, for he had flown out of the
someone else had heard her question. That was Nasiman, the wicked son of the
princess's old nurse. He went to his mother at once. "Mother," he
said, "I was standing outside the princess's window and I heard her ask,
'Where is my bridegroom?' I want you to go to her and tell her that I am her
you can never be, son/' the old woman said, "because you are not of noble
I wish to marry the princess," he answered.
to her, Mother, and tell her that her bridegroom has come”
was wicked and cruel, and his mother was afraid of him. So she went to the
princess and told her of the bridegroom who had come to claim her hand. Just
then the golden butterfly flew back and whispered in the princess's ear,
"The real bridegroom has not yet come, princess. The one who is now under
your roof is a wicked man. His name is Nasiman, and he is the son of your old
nurse, Sarinah. Do not many him. . . . Wait till the true bridegroom
the golden butterfly had flown away, the princess said, "I will wait,
nurse, till the true bridegroom comes/'
is the true bridegroom/' the nurse insisted. She clasped her hands and begged,
"Oh, princess, dear princess, marry him at once, for if you do not, we
shall both die!”
princess did not want to die. So finally she said to her nurse, "Tell the
bridegroom who has come that I must have seven days to think it over. Tell him
to wait on the bank of the river and I will send him my answer there/'
found this idea good, and agreed. He took a big basket, filled it with food to
last him seven days, and had it carried to a spot on the bank of the river.
that same day the monarch of the rains called to him a white crow, one of his
best and biggest messenger-birds, and gave her a little chest full of costly
ornaments and a letter.
these immediately to the Princess Kembang Melati," he ordered, "and
make sure that you don't lose anything."
worry, master," the crow replied. "I myself will take everything to
the princess."
white crow flew off with the little chest bound fast to her back and the letter
between 'her claws, and winged her way to the opposite bank of the river. There
she saw Nasiman eating the last of a delicious-looking fish. The white crow,
who loved fish, flew over swiftly, and cried, "Oh, how good that looks!
May I have a little bite?"
do you dare ask me that?" Nasiman demanded crossly. "Who are you, and
where do you come from, with a letter in your claws and a chest on your
the crow answered smugly, "I happen to be the messenger of the great
magician, the monarch of the rains! And I am to take this letter and this
little chest to the Princess Kembang Melati, as my master ordered. What's more,
I am to give them to her myself."
Nasiman said with a false little laugh. "In that case, Til let you eat
some of my fish. Put down your letter and take the chest from your back, and
fall to!"
white crow didn't have to be invited twice. She laid the letter and the little
chest in the grass, and began to eat greedily of the delicious bit of fish.
lost no time. He opened the chest, took out the beautiful golden ornaments and
in their place put some "big spiders and some gruesome-looking scorpions.
Then he hurried to his mother with the letter. "Mother/ 7 he said, "I
can't read, but I imagine that this letter must be full of lovely words. Now I
want you to change them, at once, into ugly words. Meanwhile I'll hide these
white crow was so busy eating that she did not notice what was going on. She
ate the fish, down to the last scrap. Then she went to get a drink at the
spring. The spring murmured to her, "Ah, white crow, why didn't you take
the letter and the little chest to the princess as Rajah Banjir said?"
the white crow didn't hear. She didn't hear the wind, either, sighing to her,
"Ah, white crow, something dreadful will happen because of your
something dreadful did happen. When the princess saw the white crow come,
bearing the letter and the little chest, she believed that the bird came from
her true bridegroom, and in great excitement she decided to read the letter
first. As her eyes flew over the words, she could hardly believe what she read:
"You are very ugly," the letter said, "and what is in the little
chest is foul and old. That goes, too, for your green hair and your blue
was so angry that she tore the letter into shreds and tossed the little chest,
without opening it, through the window. The spiders and the scorpions swarmed
over the garden to the great astonishment of the white crow who could not
understand how her master could have sent such horrible things to the lovely princess.
Nasiinan laughed to himself. Now the princess would marry him, he thought
the princess had no thought of marrying anyone now. She was bitterly grieved by
the ugly letter. Weeping, she paced back and forth in her chamber. No one could
comfort her, and she cried, "Take away my weaving stool! I will never
weave again on my bridal gown!"
evening of that sad day the golden butterfly came back and flew through the
open window. He lit on the princess's ear. "Darling princess," he
whispered, "why don't you wear the beautiful ornaments that your
bridegroom sent you?"
that the princess hit at him with an angiy hand. The great monarch of the rains
thought surely she was only teasing him. He whispered in her ear again:
"Beloved little princess, would you like to see your bridegroom tomorrow
morning? He will take you to his rainbow-colored palace where the golden rays
of the sun are magnified a thousand times into the most wonderful colors, and
where you shall see woven cloth so fine, so dazzling, that it is like
moonbeams! Come, darling princess, finish weaving your bridal gown, for
tomorrow your bridegroom comes!"
princess grew even angrier. She called her serving women to her and bade them
chase the golden butterfly away and never again to let it come inside. When the
great magician heard the princess say these words he became so angry that he
caused a mighty flood to come over the land that very night. Everything that
was not submerged drifted away, torn loose from the land. The palace with
Princess Kembang Melati and her nurse and the wicked Nasiman and all the others
who lived in it, drifted on the floodwaters.
palace drifted farther and farther, until it came near the other bank where the
palace of the great monarch of the rains stood. The king was in his doorway,
watching, but when he saw the princess's palace floating toward him he
pretended not to see it. The princess cried piteously for help, but he
pretended not to hear.
were drifting out of sight when the nurse cried out in despair, "It's my
fault! I bear the blame! It was I who changed the beautiful words of the letter
into ugly ones! And my son, Nasiman, filled the little chest with spiders and
scorpions while the white crow was eating the fish 1 /'
he heard the nurse's confession, the monarch of the rains understood
everything. He leaped down and dragged the princess and all the others out of
the drifting palace and brought them into his own. Only her old nurse and the
nurse's wicked son were not permitted to enter,
great waves engulf you!" he thundered. And at his words mighty waves, as
high as the heavens, rose in the water and swallowed up the nurse and her son.
white crow was punished, too, for her greediness. She was changed into a black
bird which could never speak again.
she could say was, "Kaw . . . kaw . . . kaw . . . kr - kr. . . ." It
meant "gold . . . gold/' But though the crow searched, she never could
find the gold and jewels with which the little chest had been filled.
the evildoers were punished, the monarch of the rains caused the flood to
subside. In a short time, the whole world was dry once more, and when he had
accomplished that he turned to the princess and told her that he was the son of
a nobleman and that for days and nights he had yearned for her.
Melati took pity on him. She knew that he was truly her bridegroom from the way
he spoke to her. So she married him and lived the rest of her happy life with
him in the rainbow-colored palace on the bank of the river.
strange to tell, no mortal has ever found the spot where that palace stood.
Adele Leeuw dalam Indonesian Legends and Folktales
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